Go Beyond Traditional Navratri Theme Ideas This Year

In a blink of an eye, Navratri will be here and all the Navratri activity and hustle-bustle will start! You will get busy cleaning out your home and getting your shopping done, because you will want to ensure that both your home and you yourself look your best in the festive season. Normally, when it comes to decorating the home for Navratri, most of us stick to the traditional options – we get garlands made with fresh marigold flowers and mango leaves, we will put rangoli on the floor with the same powders and opt for the same type of designs that we are comfortable with. And when it comes to diyas, we will either use the same brass or metal diyas we have been using since long or we will pick the earthen diyas. 

This year, maybe its time to challenge tradition, just a little bit! When you have The Maeva Store by your side, you have little to worry about, because we have all that you need to ensure that the Navratri theme decoration is maintained, just with that touch of modern elegance! 

Here are some ideas for you to decorate your home, this Navratri, without being ‘boring’:

  • Rangolis at the door:

How can you expect the Devi to enter your home, without a proper rangoli for Navratri, right at the front door? While your grandmother and mother would have spent hours sitting on the floor, painstakingly bringing the intricate design to life using colour powders, you might not want to do it. Either you don’t have that kind of time, or you the patience or perhaps the talent! 

Or you are just a smart shopper, because you know that at The Maeva Store, you can buy some of the prettiest looking floral rangolis. Handcrafted to perfection, these floral rangolis need zero effort – all you need to do is place them on the floor and you are done!

  • Toran for the welcome:

Another traditional Navratri decoration at home has to be the floral toran; now, normally, you will get a fresh flower toran from the local market or someone at home will string it with whatever fresh flowers and green leaves are available. But what if we told you that at The Maeva Store, you will be able to pick and choose from some of the prettiest looking torans and that too in colour palettes that would leave you salivating! These are easy to hang up and when you are done with the festivities, you can wrap them up and store them away for the next season – easy peasy! 

  • Flowers for the mandir:

At the end of the day, Navratri is about the gods and goddesses, which means that your mandir or your pooja room needs to be decked up too. In most homes, you will see the same yellow or orange marigold strings with some mango leaves strung along with it. But if you are a shopper at The Maeva Store, you would know that you can do so much better with our Navratri floral string collections. While these maintain the ethos of the Indian festivities, they also add that touch of modernity and elegance to your décor and they are perfect to be used in the pooja room or anywhere else in the home. 

  • Navratri without the lights?

Although Diwali is known as the festival of lights, diyas are important for Navratri too and if you are looking for some alternate Navratri diyas, then this is where you will want to come to. We bring to you some of the most stunning diyas, which feel modern and sophisticated, but are as traditional as it gets. So, when you pick the Nalini Ghee Diya, you are getting exactly what your grandmother and mother has been using, but just in a trendier version. Same is the case with our Anagha multi-wick candles, because these too, come in traditional looking metal containers. 

  • The scents of festivity:

And there are the scents of festivities; when you think of Navratri, you always imagine the fragrance of sandalwood, jasmine or frangipani wafting through the air. At The Maeva Store, while you can shop for the prettiest toran for home décor, you can also shop for some of the most traditional fragrances too, because here you can get a range of incense sticks. Whether you pick the traditional sandalwood or something a little more exciting like wild raspberry, that is a choice we leave to you!  

Now that we have given you a fair few ideas on how to indulge in some creative Navratri decoration at home, your next step needs to be to start adding all these products and maybe something more to your cart and checking them all out! And in case you have some inspirational ideas for this Navratri, feel free to write in to us! 

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