Here's Why Tuberose Is Our Bestselling Fragrance Of The Month

Despite it's name, Tuberose is no relation to the mighty rose. Tuberose is a night-blooming white flower distinguished by its swollen, tuberous roots. An ingredient for off-beat perfumes, tuberose is also used as wedding or funeral flowers in many cultures.

When Maeva chose Tuberose for its wedding collection, we heard some skeptical voices as weddings flowers are usually roses, tulips lillis or peonys! Also what's a tuberose ? (It is rajnigandha in Hindi.) We stuck to our guns and went ahead as we simply loved the complex lush, cool almost exotic note that when put into emotions is sweet, heady and seductive. And you our beloved customers have proved us right by buying so much of it to make tuberose the fragrance of the month.

Intrigue and Mystery


Thomas Moore writes in his oriental poem 'Lalla Rookh'

The Tube-rose with her silvery light,

That is in the gardens of Malay

Is called The Mistress of the Night

So like a bride, scented and bright

She comes out when the sun's away.

The tuberose has been a symbol of love and lust since ages past despite not having the visual appeal of orchids or roses. Described as heady, even narcotic, the famed perfumer Roja Dove called tuberose the 'harlot of perfumery.'  It is also said that the Victorians forbade young girls to inhale the odour of tuberose for fear they might have get lured to give into passions!

It's all in their chemistry

The flower contains high qualities of 'lactones' buttery-smelling molecules which is also produced by our scalp. They also contain 'indole' which is the smell associated with human bodies and human intimacy. All these components explain why the smell of the tuberose flower seem familiar to us; flowers are the reproductive product of plants, so of course we would be attracted by human similarities to the  composition of these  flowers.

Florals are ubiquitous

Everyone loves a good floral scent whether it is in perfumes, air fresheners, soap, candles and more. We're sure that people will continue to love florals for as long as they exist but it is also true that people like to be surprised. Tuberose is the answer to those looking to veer beyond the floral scents as it isn't sweet and cloying but is clear and sharp that gives it more of an edge. So for those who dislike florals-tuberose is the way to go.

First Impressions

As astounding as this fragrance is, human beings are visual creatures first and this is where we spend days picking out, experimenting, discarding and developing!  Befitting the scent of the tuberose, Maeva has breath-taking cloches, silvery crackled mercury glasses, intricately designed bell jars, eye-catching silver lacquer pillars and delicate glass jars to present you the perfect wedding candle. A delight to look at and to smell, our vintage cloches, big tins and jar candles are wedding gifts begging to be given while our silver pillars and tea light holders are just beautiful to add to the decor of magical weddings.

As we said before, our Mr and Mrs wedding candles are flying off our virtual shelves! Head over to to get this sultry beauty to you today.

CandlesHistoryMr and mrsScented candlesTuberose

1 comment



Yes tuberose is used for all auspicious occasion and even wedding garlands are made of tuberose

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