Blog Posts

Create Those Special Moods With The Maeva Store Range Of Scented Candles
There are those days when you are in too much a hurry to do anything; the day seems to simply fly by and before you know it, the day is done ...

How To Set The Perfect Dinner Table – With A Little Help From The Maeva Store
Dinner – its more than just a meal; for many, a dinner is a chance to reignite the passion, there are those who see dinner as a chance to catch ...

Experience Maeva – Experience Artisanal Living
Over our years of existence, we have taken pride in creating some of the most incredible artisanal living décor pieces – from candles that fill...

The Best Gifts For Your BFF’s Birthday
Is your best friend’s birthday nearing? Are your sweating in your air-conditioned room, trying to figure out what to get her? Worried that she migh...