Blog Posts

Turn Up The Romance This Valentine’s Day, The Maeva Way
It's that time of the year again – the new year has settled in and before you know it January will be over and February will have started. And as s...

20 Ways To Use Scented Sachets
We call it, the decor world's best-kept secret! Some homes just smell perfect all year round, some bags rolling down the baggage remain unaffected ...

Make Staying Focused During These Tough Times A Little Easier With Fragrances
There are certain smells that we always associate with pleasant memories – for some, it is the smell of earth, after the first rains, for others, i...

Turn Up The Romance This Valentine’s Day, The Maeva Way
It's that time of the year again – the new year has settled in and before you know it January will be over and February will have started. And as s...

Shop The Maeva Way For Your Best Friend’s Wedding
Your best friend is all set to get married and you could not have been happier for her – she has found the best guy possible and her new family h...

Having a few fragrances around you is an act of self-care, calming down the senses and accenting a room. Not to forget there are right fragranc...
Wedding favors that your guests will fall in love with!
Wedding is the celebration of love, followed by all a lot of dancing, singing, eating, running around and then eating again. And after all the ...