Blog Posts

Create Those Special Moods With The Maeva Store Range Of Scented Candles
There are those days when you are in too much a hurry to do anything; the day seems to simply fly by and before you know it, the day is done ...

The Perfect Pooja Box – Be Festive Ready For Any Festivity
As soon as October arrives, its festival season for all Indians – it's like a slew of festivals and religious occasions follow one after the other...

Turn Up The Romance This Valentine’s Day, The Maeva Way
It's that time of the year again – the new year has settled in and before you know it January will be over and February will have started. And as s...

Is It Too Early To Start Planning Your Diwali Shopping List? We Think Not!
We are well through September and before you know it, the days will have flown past you and November will be here. Now, if you are a smart shoppe...

The Best Gifts For Your BFF’s Birthday
Is your best friend’s birthday nearing? Are your sweating in your air-conditioned room, trying to figure out what to get her? Worried that she migh...

Best Wedding Gifts For The Couple
There is a wedding in the family, one of your dear friends is getting hitched or it is the wedding of a colleague, there is no way you will turn u...

Make Staying Focused During These Tough Times A Little Easier With Fragrances
There are certain smells that we always associate with pleasant memories – for some, it is the smell of earth, after the first rains, for others, i...

Go Beyond The Traditional Wedding Gifts – Go The Maeva Store Way
For years, wedding gifts were always the same – you could gift the newlywed's crockery, silverware, sets of glasses or teacups, lamps or the easies...

Turn Up The Romance This Valentine’s Day, The Maeva Way
It's that time of the year again – the new year has settled in and before you know it January will be over and February will have started. And as s...

Bring A Little Floral Into Your Life!
Flowers have a way of brightening up your day – whether someone gives you a single rose or a bouquet full of the most stunning flowers, flowers do ...
Christmas Is Around The Corner: So Get Your Maeva Store Shopping List Ready!
It's December and Christmas is knocking on your door. Before the stocks start running out and before you are left with no time for any shopping ...

Shop The Maeva Way For Your Best Friend’s Wedding
Your best friend is all set to get married and you could not have been happier for her – she has found the best guy possible and her new family h...

The excitement is real. Diwali is just a month away and we are sure most of you still haven't started shopping for the same even though you want to...

Having a few fragrances around you is an act of self-care, calming down the senses and accenting a room. Not to forget there are right fragranc...

This is the most common question we get from our customers. Also, because it can be a little tricky to set-up a coffee table given its size. One w...

Best Home Decor Gifts For Your Mother
Mother’s do so much for us. But when it comes to us, expressing our love to them can be a little challenging.
We know moms will appreciate gifts ...